2008 Hamm DV 90 TV

2008 Hamm DV 90 TV

Location:Caramagna Piemonte, Italy


Good general conditions – 8.974 working hours – cabin/glass perfect

Inspection Report

ModelDV 90 TV
Serial NumberH1660364
Stock Number00035
Weight9,8 Ton
Optionalsrops cabin
Engine brandDeutz
Engine typeTCD 2012 L04 2V (100 hp)
Hydraulic oil checkedYES OK
Engine oil checkedYES OK
Diesel checkedYES OK
Engine blow by3/5 good
Quality cooling liquid2/5 good
Cooling liquid levelOK
Engine oil3/5 good
Engine leackagesno leakages
Condition of drums in %front tyres 80% — back drum 50%
Drums and vibration small/big vibrations %OK
Drums and vibration tyres/drumsn.1 drums / n.4 tyres
Speed hydraulics functions3/5 good
Hidraulics noiseno noise
Hidraulics leackagesno leakages
CE certificateYes
Condition of the body work60%
Condition of the paintnew paint
Condition of the seat10%
Condition of the dashboard70%